Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate
Since 1980

Since its inception, the fund has provided over $3.2 million in scholarships to young men and women. In 2024, 24 scholarships of $10,000 each were awarded to 12 4H students and 12 FFA students. The scholars must attend a Texas institution in pursuit of a four-year bachelor’s degree in an agricultural or life sciences curriculum. They must enroll in and complete at least 12 hours each semester. The scholarships are granted through and administered by 4-H and FFA. The Fund stays in touch with its scholars’ progress through reports from 4-H and FFA as well as direct communication with the scholars.
Initial and expansion funding was provided by individual, corporate and foundation contributions. In addition, contributions are made each year in conjunction with the Junior Livestock Auction. If you are interested in participating in our mission to encourage youth to pursue agricultural careers, please contact us to discuss the possibilities for making tax-deductible contributions.
Doug Cassidy, Vice Chairman-Scholarship

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Ignite the mission by supporting these young agricultural leaders in their future agriculture careers.